Custom Formula Collection

Standard Error Bands

For interpretation refer to the article "Standard Error Bands", in the September 96 issue of TASC, written by Jon Anderson.

21 period Upper Band (smoothed):
Mov((21 * Sum(Cum(1) * C,21) - Sum(Cum(1),21) * Sum(C,21)) / (21 * Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),21) - Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),21),2)) * Cum(1) + (Mov(C,21,S) - Mov(Cum(1),21,S) * (21 * Sum(Cum(1) * C,21) - Sum(Cum(1),21) * Sum(C,21))/ (21 * Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),21) - Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),21),2))) +2*(Sqrt(((Sum(Power(C,2),21)-(Power(Sum(C,21),2)/21)) -((Sum(Cum(1)*C,21))-((Sum(Cum(1),21)*Sum(C,21)/21)))/ ((Sum(Power(Cum(1),2),21))-(Power(Sum(Cum(1),21),2)/21)) *((Sum(Cum(1)*C,21))-((Sum(Cum(1),21)*Sum(C,21)/21)))) /19)),3,S)

21 period Lower Band (smoothed):
Mov((21 * Sum(Cum(1) * C,21) - Sum(Cum(1),21) * Sum(C,21)) / (21 * Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),21) - Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),21),2)) * Cum(1) +(Mov(C,21,S) - Mov(Cum(1),21,S) * (21 * Sum(Cum(1) * C,21) - Sum(Cum(1),21) * Sum(C,21))/ (21 * Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),21) - Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),21),2))) - 2*(Sqrt(((Sum(Power(C,2),21)-(Power(Sum(C,21),2)/21)) -((Sum(Cum(1)*C,21))- ((Sum(Cum(1),21) * Sum(C,21)/21))) / ((Sum(Power(Cum (1),2),21))-(Power(Sum(Cum(1),21),2)/21))*((Sum(Cum(1)*C,21))- ((Sum(Cum(1),21)*Sum(C,21)/21)))) /19)),3,S)

21 period R2 (smoothed):

21 period Regression Slope:
(((Sum(Cum(1)*C,21))-(Sum(Cum(1),21)*Sum(C,21)/21)) / ((Sum(Power(Cum(1),2),21))-(Power(Sum(Cum(1),21),2)/21)))

21 period %A:
((C-Fml("21 period lower band (smoothed)")) / (Fml("21 period upper band(smoothed)") -Fml("21 period lower band (smoothed)")))

21 period Regression (smoothed):
Mov((21*Sum(Cum(1)*C,21)-Sum(Cum(1),21)*Sum(C,21))/ (21*Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),21)-Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),21),2))*Cum(1) +(Mov(C,21,S) - Mov(Cum(1),21,S) * (21*Sum(Cum(1) * C,21) - Sum(Cum(1),21)*Sum(C,21))/(21*Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),21) -Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),21),2))),3,S)

For additional help with formulas, please see the Formula Primer.

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