When buying or selling, knowing value is more important than knowing the price... and knowing value is the core philosophy behind ValueCharts'® patented technology.
With ValueCharts Complete Suite for MetaStock, you can tell at a glance if the price is undervalued, overvalued, or fairly valued... and, of course, entering a position when it's undervalued or overvalued increases the odds that you will see a larger move.
ValueCharts combine Valued Price with MQ Momentum which reveals the underlying momentum in your stocks.
Using both Valued Price and Momentum help you find the sweet spots in the market and gives you an edge. The same edge that helped a hedge fund go from hemorrhaging money every month to becoming profitable... the same edge that has helped many other traders with their profit and losses each month.
Now for the first time, ValueCharts patented technology is available as an add-on for MetaStock. This allows you to:
- See detailed bar by bar feedback with plain English definitions
- See the trend on a chart
- Get crystal clear buy and sell signals on your charts
- Scan thousands of instruments to find the most undervalued or overvalued