Super Signals

There are four Super Signals (and you can create your own Super Signals), each representing an increasingly rare and successful degree of confluence between the indicators. 

Bronze - Bronze Super Signals occur when two of the Power Bundle indicators have an open trade in the same direction, and the third indicator does not contradict them.

Silver - When the current trend sentiment calculated by volume and trend in 1-2-3 Strike’s algorithm opposes the volatility momentum divergence calculated by Divergence Cloud, these opposing factors signal volatility. They are likely to break out in 1 direction or the other. Silver signals are triggered when a technical breakout or breakdown from Volatility Crusher marks a clear end to this indecisive price action.

Gold - When two of the Power Bundle indicators trigger an identical entry signal simultaneously. This is a very rare but powerful signal.

Platinum - Platinum signals are the rarest and most successful of all. They only occur when all three Power Bundle indicators trigger an identical entry signal simultaneously. These signals indicate that trend, volume, volatility, and volatility-momentum divergence all signal the same thing: this is an excellent time to enter. In the rare event that you see a platinum signal on the chart, there is an exponentially low chance that this is not the start of a crucial trend move.

Custom Super Signals - Custom Super Signals are a feature of the Super Signals indicator, which allows you to define your custom long and short Super Signals based on what the Power Bundle indicators are doing. You come up with your definition of what the ‘necessary confluence’ between the indicators needs to be before they are triggered. They allow you to mix and match conditions to create your Super Signal.


Indicators: TradingIndicators - Super Signals Settings (used to create custom Super Signals)

Explorations: TradingIndicators - Super Signals

Expert Advisors: TradingIndicators - Super Signals

About Daniel Sinnig

Dr. Daniel Sinnig is a trader and professional software engineer. He develops trading solutions, analytic dashboards, trading indicators and automated strategies for various trading platforms including MetaStock, MotiveWave, NinjaTrader, WealthCharts, ThinkOrSwim, TradingView and MetaTrader 4 & 5. Daniel is globally known for his expertise in building innovative trading indicators and powerful trading algorithms. He is passionate about changing the current trading landscape by focusing on each trader’s unique needs. Daniel is a Managing Partner at Trading Indicators. His team builds indicators, Bots and smart tools for all traders.