CUE DIVES consists of five logical programs. These are CUE Diary, CUE Index, CUE Vital, CUE Edge, and CUE Season.*
CUE Diary
- CUE Diary is a unique and real-time trading journal that helps you record stock trades and monitor trading profit and loss. It also enables you to improve your trading results over time.
- It helps you plan (entry, stop, exit) and follow through with discipline.
- It shows visual alerts by changing colors when a stop or target is reached so that you can take appropriate action.
- Profit-and-loss is updated in 100% real-time.
- You score your trades against major dimensions (trade setup, execution rule, sizing, etc.). Over time, this scorecard tells you what you need to improve.
- Keeping an eye on the overall score helps improve your trading results.
CUE Index
- Used to analyze the indices and their constituents.
- Summary information
- Summary advance-decline breadth over multiple periods.
- Summary % change over multiple periods.
- Proximity to 52-week high and low.
- Constituent Stock Scorecard using CUE Vital.
- Comprehensive yet intuitive with color coding and heat maps.
- They are further organized into panels.
- In real-time, find strong or weak fundamental stocks going up or down.
- Built-in integration with CUE Finder to check technical signals and setups.
- Built-in integration with CUE Global to check the technical charts.
- Built-in integration with CUE Edge to check industry strengths/weaknesses.
- Built-in integration with CUE Season to check seasonality.
- The integrations identify 360° trades where all the forces are aligned in your favor.
- For smaller stock markets like Singapore, Germany, etc., you may use the CUE Index to see which stocks are up the most and then check if their industry peers are broadly up. This provides a way to find the strongest stocks in the most robust industries.
- You may use CUE Edge for comprehensive industry rotation analysis for larger markets like the USA.
CUE Vital
- Fundamental and peer analysis of a stock or a group of stocks
- Single Root-Stock insight
- Essential information like % change, earnings and revenue growth, valuation score, etc.
- Peer stocks' up-down breadth showing if the industry is strong.
- Multiple Stock Scorecard
- Comprehensive yet intuitive with color coding and heat maps.
- Further organized into panels.
- Import CUE Global technical scan results with a single click to carry out fundamental analysis
- Import USA brokerage platform (e.g., TradeStation) stock lists with a single click to carry out fundamental analysis
- Convert ticker to Refinitiv symbols.
- Repository for a trading universe like liquid stocks, liquid options, etc.
- For use in subsequent research, trade identification.
- Find strong fundamental stocks going up or weak fundamental stocks going down in real-time
- Built-in integration with CUE Finder to check technical signals and setups.
- Built-in integration with CUE Global to check the technical charts.
- Built-in integration with CUE Edge to check industry strengths/weaknesses.
- Built-in integration with CUE Season to check seasonality.
- The integrations identify 360° trades where all the forces are aligned in your favor.
CUE Edge
- 100% real-time tool for top-down analysis
- Market Insight
- Sector-Industry-Stock Advance-Decline Breadth graph over multiple periods shows how breadth is changing.
- Bucket Analysis graph shows how the stocks are distributed between overbought and oversold buckets.
- The best Performing Sectors graph shows how sectors are performing over time.
- The more you study these, the more tuned you will be with the market's moves and possible next moves.
- Sector-Industry Rotation Analysis
- Sector-Industry Rotation Relative Scorecard.
- Sector-Industry Rotation Performance Table.
- Drill-Down to Stocks Scorecard from best/worst-performing sectors/industries
- Stock Scorecard
- Comprehensive yet intuitive with color coding and heat maps.
- Further organized into panels.
- Find strong or weak sectors or industries in real-time
- Drill down to major stocks within sectors and industries in CUE Edge (S&P1500 stocks for the USA market).
- Built-in integration with CUE Vital to check peer stocks' Fundamental Scorecard
- Built-in integration with CUE Finder to check technical signals and setups.
- Built-in integration with CUE Global to check the technical charts.
- Built-in integration with CUE Season to check seasonality.
- The integrations identify 360° trades where all the forces are aligned in your favor.
CUE Seasonality
Seasonality: How often (%) a stock went up or down during a particular month Jan, Feb, etc.).
- If it went up most (say, >=80%) of the time, that may favor buying the stock that month.
- If it went down most (say, >=80%) of the time, that may favor shorting the stock.
- 70-80% seasonality may be noted but may not be powerful enough to decide a trade.
- Seasonality below 70% may not increase the trade's probability of success.
- Seasonality itself may not be the deciding factor. It is common to see a stock with bullish seasonality falling or bearish seasonality going up.
- Technical signals are the primary deciding factor for a trade. Seasonality comes later.
- Adds another reason to buy or short a stock
- AFTER technical, industry, and fundamental analysis.
- Used to check the seasonality of a single stock.
- Used to create a list of stocks with bullish or bearish seasonality
- Create the lists near the end of a month for the following month.
- This list does not change during the month as seasonality is calculated using historical data, not the current month's data.
* CUE DIVES is an add-on product. It requires Microsoft Excel and a subscription to XENITH Real-Time Data and News to operate. To fnd out more chat live with a product professional.
About Sagar Nandi
I have a graduate degree in Telecommunications, a master’s degree in Computer Science, and an MBA degree that I completed while working in Singapore. I have worked in many multinationals and global organizations, including some of the world’s largest corporations – primarily based in Singapore. I was a vice-president in the world’s largest software applications company, a regional APAC director, and an India entity managing director for a global German company.
However, none of those degrees or work experiences were helpful in trading. Trading, in the end, is not difficult once you find a system(s) and workflow(s) that work for you (your temperament, risk tolerance, lifestyle).
I retired from my work ten years ago at the age of 46, thinking that I could have a life of freedom trading stocks, free from daily office-going and free from everything that comes with office life.
I have not had to go back to work since then. It was not easy. But the difficulty was not in the market. Not even so much in the systems. Once you have made a robust system your own, the challenge is being disciplined enough to follow it.
Sharing ideas publicly as I do, always before knowing the results, helps with that discipline. I am happy if people find my shared ideas, techniques, workflows, and systems of any value to their trading.