Dan Passarelli's Red Green Knockout
Red and Green KnockOuts look to find stocks, ETFs, or other asset classes that are in a momentum move and are likely to continue.
Momentum Trading
Market Taker Mentoring, Inc. originally designed the Red Knockout (RKO) to be traded using long calls to take a position. However, we've found that debit call spreads and even buying the underlying stock / ETF (or other asset) could yield even better results under some circumstances. Similar results occurred with the Green Knockout (GKO) and short positions.
Time Frames
The Red and Green Knockouts work on any time frame. On daily charts, we generally look for the profit target to occur within ten days from the Red or Green Knock Out candle.
Red Knockouts
The first start of the setup is "The Green Run," which is three or more green, up-day candles (up from the open and up from yesterday's close). The Red Knockout candle must immediately follow the Green Run. The RKO has a more petite body than all the preceding green candles but trades down from the open that day (thus is red). The Trigger Candle follows the RKO and trades higher than the high of the RKO candle. Finally, the Confirmation Candle opens above the high of the RKO and signals trade entry.
From the end of the Green Run to the Confirmation Candle, each candle must follow sequentially, without any intervening candles.
Green Knockouts
The first start of the setup is "The Red Run," which is three or more red, down-day candles (down from the open and down from yesterday's close). The Green Knockout candle must immediately follow the Red Run. The GKO has a smaller body than all the preceding red candles but trades up from the open that day (thus is green). The Trigger Candle follows the GKO and trades lower than the low of the GKO candle. Finally, the Confirmation Candle opens below the low of the GKO and signals trade entry. From the end of the Red Run to the Confirmation Candle, each candle must follow sequentially, without any intervening candles.
The Red and Green Knockout patterns come with specific entry and exit conditions. This includes suggested options for purchasing options as well as stock, specific price targets, and stop losses.
Included MetaStock Components:
- DP Red/Green Knockout Profit Target
- DP Red/Green Knockout Settings
- DP Green Knockout entry
- DP Green Knockout triggers
- DP Red Knockout entry
- DP Red Knock Out triggers
Expert Advisors:
- DP Red/Green Knock Out
- DP Red-Green Knock Out.mwt
Also Included from Dan Passarelli: **
The RKO Accelerated Video Course - a quick-start guide to get you up and running quickly with the Red Knockout System. It will get users ready to make their first Red Knockout Trades ($1,250 Value).
Twelve Months of Weekly Group Coaching - an opportunity to get expert analysis and trade ideas and have your questions answered by an MTM trading coach ($1,497 Value).
Twelve Months of The RKO Watchlist - curated from trades evaluated during MTM Daily Live Advantage Group Coaching, where MTM Head Coach John Kmiecik shares the top trade ideas daily. The top Red Knockout Trades are included on the RKO Watchlist ($997 Value).
About Dan Passarelli
Dan Passarelli is:
- A trader, an author and a world-renown trading expert
- A former member of the Chicago Board Options Exchange and Chicago Mercantile Exchange
- A frequent contributor to Bloomberg Business Television, FOX Business News, CBOE TV, and a resource to journalists
- An invited speaker educating traders for organizations such as NASDAQ, CBOE, the International Securities Exchange, CME Group, Fidelity Investments, Tradestation, TheStreet.com and The Shanghai Futures Exchange… just to name a few!
- He’s also a marathon runner, a musician and world traveler