Winning Momentum Systems
Vince Vora's Winning Momentum Strategy is designed to help you find winning setups using Vince's favorite momentum tactics.
Exclusive to MetaStock, Vince Vora’s Winning Momentum Strategy is designed to help you find winning setups using Vince’s favorite momentum tactics. The Winning Momentum Strategy starts its analysis using Vince Vora’s proprietary method for looking at the slope of the 20-period moving average. Then to confirm the trade it will add the time tested RSI and Ichimoku Cloud to its analysis.
Combining multiple indicators together to confirm the trend is a powerful method to aid you as a trader to quickly identify trades. The Winning Momentum Strategy does this for you seamlessly.
Vince Vora’s Winning Momentum Strategy will give you not only the established trend but a true measure of its strength. By doing this it allows for more reliable trades that have a confirming signal based on multiple indicators.
The unique qualities of the Winning Momentum Strategy will guide you on the best price at which to enter the trade after a set-up, and will give precise stop loss levels. It offers protective stops based on the CCI indicator. These stops are designed to protect you from changes in the trend bias.
Vince Vora’s methods are designed to help you as a trader quickly identify the trend bias and make trading decisions based on confirming indicators. The Winning Momentum Strategy system will help you identify the momentum trades to take in your favor.
Using the MetaStock Explorer, Winning Momentum Strategy allows you to screen through thousands of instruments and focus on just those that have opportunities.
In addition, Winning Momentum Strategy features Expert Commentary to walk you step by step through every trade.
Vince Vora’s Winning Momentum Strategy includes the following:
- Expert Advisor:Winning Momentum Strategy
- Exploration:Vora Winning Momentum Strategy
- Two premium training videos. One features Vince Vora and shows you how to apply the strategy. The second training video by Jeffrey Gibby will walk you step by step through the add on and how to implement it in your trading.
About Vince Vora
Vince Vora is the head trader at Over the last three decades, he has been trading professionally and developing his trading systems that are based on technical analysis and price action. Over the last few years, his focus has been on teaching people how to become better traders. Mr. Vora's systems range from simple to sophisticated and can be used in any market conditions to trade stocks, options, forex, and futures.