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Make your trading decisions with the same confidence that 1000's of our clients already enjoy. Daily Charts market data comes from Refinitiv, the world's best known and most reliable information provider. Successful, profitable trading depends on premium data and no other end-of-day data is more dependable than Daily Charts.

Accurate, clean data is critical to your analysis. Imagine if your data had one discrepancy on each security you tested (this isn’t out of the question considering it likely doesn’t auto-correct or take into account stock splits). Considering your trading system test might take hundreds of trades per year for 10 years, you could be looking at thousands of errors. How much confidence do you have in the accuracy of your data?

Daily Charts is clean, reliable, corrected data. This gives you an edge over other individual investors in the market who use low quality data and risk trading on bad signals.

When you have Daily Charts and MetaStock you have Data On Demand, an exclusive Daily Charts feature. Just enter the symbol, and the chart will automatically display, even if you don’t have the data loaded on your computer. You instantly get your information, saving you the time and hassle of downloading data.

Daily Charts has the data you need to power the broad market analysis tools found in MetaStock 9.0 or later – but it can be used with a number of leading charting software packages. Plus, you can get data from nearly 3,000 indices from around the world with the included optional Worldwide Indices package.

Daily Charts does not restrict the number of symbols you can download. Our data feed lets you collect on an unlimited number of instruments, exposing large amounts of data for charting, system testing, and scanning.

Daily Charts's offers free, unlimited technical support. Our experienced and highly trained Support team knows Daily Charts's inside and out, so they can solve your problems quickly and efficiently